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Christ's Community Fellowship

What to Expect

Here at Christ's Community Fellowship, you will find a genuinely diverse group of people who have come from a variety of backgrounds but have one common goal - knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  Our diversity is our strength as we accept that we are all different parts of the same body, working in unison for the same King in the same kingdom.  

A Sanctuary For The Body of Christ
A Sanctuary For The Body of Christ

Many people have described Christ's Community Fellowship (affectionately known as 'CCF') over the years as an oasis.  We genuinely welcome those who come through these doors to experience what it is to be among God's people and to be immersed in His word.  We choose not to put on any façades while here.  We are all a work in Christ, preparing each other for eternal life together.

Weekly Celebration of Communion in Christ
Weekly Celebration of Communion in Christ

Each week we take time to stop and remember our primary purpose for gathering - we have been redeemed by the eternal Prophet, Priest, and King, Jesus Christ.  We want to re-center ourselves of who we are and Whose we are.  Moreover, we want to remind ourselves that we have been forgiven, and as such, we are to live as forgiven people in Him.

Worship in Song
Worship in Song

Sunday mornings we spend time in lifting up our voices in praise to the King of kings and Lord of lords.  We utilize a mix of hymns, praise, and inspirational Christian songs of worship.  Periodically we have live leading in song, while at other times we use prerecorded music.  In the collective assembly here, all songs are intended to be centered on the only true and living God.  

Study in The Word
Study in The Word

We have a collective assembly of all ages that features a blend of biblical teaching and preaching.  We go through an entire book/letter of the Scriptures at a time for understanding that includes audience interaction during the lessons with questions and comments.  It's a fantastic format for learning!

Our pastor includes an outline of the lessons for 'fill-in-the-blank' answers that you can keep for additional study.  The lessons are also projected on a center screen to offer consistency for following.  


Following assembly on Sunday mornings, we continue in communion with a pot-luck style lunch - every week!  This is where our fellowship is strengthened when we get a chance to share our lives with each other over great food.  Please plan on staying - whether you have brought anything or not.  Consider yourself our guest.  

Before we start in our midweek Bible study on Wednesdays, we have a prepared meal ready that we can share together.  We have a brief devotional thought at 6:30pm and enjoy our meal together following.  This tradition has been going on for many years so that no one would have to rush home from work or school but could come as they are and have supper with brothers and sisters.  At 7:15pm sharp we begin our Bible study that will last until 8:00pm.  Since this meal is prepared in advance, we need a reservation by Monday so as to prepare an adequate amount.  Cost is $5.00 per person.  Call, email, or sign up on the sheet on the table in the foyer of what we call "The Great Room."

Safety and Security
Safety and Security

We are aware of the dangers that have been imposed on church gatherings across our country.  Desiring to be the best shepherds and overseers we can be, you will be introduced to a portion of the safety/security element while visiting.  We understand that this can be different from the church settings we grew up with.  But we take this responsibility seriously and seek to give every person here a safe haven to worship in Spirit and in truth.  

    PH: 940-720-0028

    Christ's Community Fellowship
    1143 Nakomis Trail
    Wichita Falls, TX 76310

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    Ministering in This Little Corner of the Kingdom in Texoma to the Church World-Wide

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    Copyright 2005 to present; Christ's Community Fellowship

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