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Christ's Community Fellowship

Meeting Times:
Sunday - 10:00 am with a pot-luck style lunch following (every week!)

Wednesday - 6:30 pm Evening Meal - 7:15 pm Mid-Week Devotional and Study

To participate in the Wednesday Meal, just call, email, or sign up at the building.  $5.00 per person for a fully prepared meal - best deal in town!

Sunday meals involve everyone bringing something to share.  It's a great time!

So come on out - you're going to eat somewhere - it might as well be with family!

We are located 5 miles east of the intersection of Hwy 281 (Jacksboro Highway) and FM 1954 at the corner of Nakomis Trail and FM 1954. 

Our address is 1143 Nakomis Trail, Wichita Falls, Texas, 76310.

    PH: 940-720-0028

    Christ's Community Fellowship
    1143 Nakomis Trail
    Wichita Falls, TX 76310

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    Ministering in This Little Corner of the Kingdom in Texoma to the Church World-Wide

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    Copyright 2005 to present; Christ's Community Fellowship

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